Date(s) - 07/08/2023
9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Fossil Pointe Sporting Grounds
SAFETY FIRST! Safety is everyone’s responsibility.
*No consuming alcohol while shooting. Please wait until all shooting is done for the day!
*Eye and Ear protection must be worn by all persons on the course.
*Load no more than 2 shells.
*No shot larger than 71/2. 7-1/2, 8 or 9 shot only. No steel shot will be allowed.
*Always point guns in a safe direction.
*Load gun only when it is you turn to shoot!
The League Will Run Eight Weeks
1) Pay before you play. The league fee is $30.00 per week. All shooters must also pay a one-time Trophy fee of $35. Trophy fees must be paid in full by first night of league. CASH ONLY for trophy fee. The trophy fee covers awards, food, and refreshments on the last night.
2) A total of 60 birds will be shot per week. There are 3 points available to win each night. Points are first round, second round, and overall. Points are awarded for handicapped team scores for each round along with the total handicapped scores for both rounds. Teams will shoot against all other teams at least one time during the course of the league.
3) The first member of your team that arrives will receive the counter and scorecards for the entire group.
4) League will have handicapped scores. Each shooter’s handicap will be calculated based on their actual scores. Max handicap 27.5
5) A TOTAL of TWO banked rounds will be allowed during the league. Any shooter may take advantage of banked rounds two times (exceptions must be approved by management). If an extra set of rounds is banked without prior approval from management, the extra set will be ignored. Banked rounds can be shot any day or night of the week.
6) If you are banking a round, please arrive and begin shooting no later than 5:00pm.
7) If a shooter is absent and has no bank, his score will be input as his average less two birds per round (for a total of 4 birds)
8) If the score sheets are not turned in to the office before the end of the night, both teams will receive 0 points for that night. Make sure you know who is turning in the score sheets!
10) No make-ups will be allowed for any reason. No exceptions.
11) Please inform office before taking a cart to ensure it has not already been reserved. You may phone ahead to reserve one.
12) Awards to be provided: Teams: High Points & High Scratch; Individuals: Most Straights, and High Score..
*Eye and ear protection required for everyone
*Keep firearms unloaded and open when not firing
*Always have firearms pointed downrange
*Stay off the firing line and away from firearms during cease-fire or when someone is downrange
*Only shoot the targets at the target boards
*Do not shoot the baffles($25 fine)
*No rapid fire
*NO Steel Core, Metal Core, Tracers or FMJ’S (Full metal jackets) Rifle Ammo
*Know how to operate your firearm. If you do not know how, then ask. We can help you.
*You will be asked to leave if you do not comply with Range Rules.
*Safety First!
*ALWAYS keep the gun pointed in a safe direction
*ALWAYS keep the gun unloaded until ready to use.
*NEVER load more than two shells at a time.
*ALWAYS keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot.
* No 3-inch shells
*No load greater than 1 1/8 oz.
*No shot larger than 7 1/2 (8 and 9 acceptable)
* Wear eye and ear protection as appropriate
*ABSOLUTELY NO ALCOHOL while shooting!!!