Bolivar Masonic Lodge 7th Annual Fundraiser Shoot

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Date(s) - 04/17/2021
8:00 am - 3:00 pm

Bolivar Masonic Lodge 2021 <<—CLICK FOR FULL FLYER AND SPONSOR INFO!


Bolivar Masonic Lodge
is Proud to Host our 7th Annual Clay Shoot!

Benefitting Masonic Charities, and Local Scholarships.

April 17th, 2021

Registration 8:00am
Shotgun Start 9:00am

Fossil Pointe Sporting Grounds
7282 North FM 51
Decatur, Texas 76234

Eye and ear protection is required,
And will be provided.

Shotgun Raffle and Silent Auction Items:
Shotgun Provided by Call To Arms Gun Shop and Super Inspector

Sponsorships available for Target Stations!